The next 5 big things 
in Venture Capital

Venture Capital funds base their business on being the first to identify emerging markets, and within these markets, identify the best and first startups that emerge in each of them. In this way they ensure they invest in favorable conditions in markets that will explode in 5 or 10 years.

In the last 20 years we have experienced the emergence of the Internet, smartphones, social networks, Blockchain and cryptocurrencies, Big Data and finally Artificial Intelligence. The funds that had the ability (or luck) to identify these markets and invest in the first startups obtained very high multiples for the investors who trusted them.


The question now is what will be the new markets that will appear in the next 5 or 10 years? At VENTURADE we have identified the following 5:


1) AI applications. AI is a powerful tool, but its potential must be oriented towards a specific objective. We don't believe in conventional businesses applying AI to improve their customer segmentation or backoffice activities. We believe that the next great revolution will come from generating new markets thanks to AI. Deep Learning and Generative AI will be the drivers of this new trends.

2) Quantum computing. More complex AI algorithms, which may also require exabytes of Big Data repositories to be processed in real time, will require different computing models than current ones. That's where quantum computing will play a prominent role. Who will be the new INTEL in 2035?

3) Learning. Traditional teaching models, as well as computer-based ones, will change. Education will be oriented towards abilities to learn, reason, and make decisions with the help of AI.

4) Entertainment. Until now, entertainment content has been generated with the average consumer in mind or segmented by groups based on their tastes. The next revolution will be content generated exclusively for each consumer.

5) Environment. Global warming and the reduction of carbon emissions will condition the development of first world economies in the next 10 years. This affects industrial production, which must be less polluting, the search for more rational means of transport and energy alternatives such as hydrogen or electricity. Even livestock and agriculture will change to be more efficient.


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